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Home>>Products >>Bulk Carrier
   A bulk carrier is ocean-going vessel used to transport bulk cargo items such as iron ore, bauxite, coal, cement, grain and similar cargo. Bulk carriers can be recognized by large box-like hatches on deck, designed to slide outboard or fold fore-and-aft for enable access for loading or discharging cargo. The dimensions of bulk carriers are often determined by the ports and sea routes that they need to serve, and by the maximum width of the Panama Canal.
NO: 03170 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 1997
[Capacity]: 47200 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: PRS [Publication Time]: 2023/9/17
NO: 03143 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1996
[Capacity]: 1500 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/7/24
NO: 03136 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 2005
[Capacity]: 1650 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/7/18
NO: 03120 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1988
[Capacity]: 1350 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/6/19
NO: 03115 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1996
[Capacity]: 3300 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/6/10
NO: 03107 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 2009
[Capacity]: 8100 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: ISC [Publication Time]: 2023/5/30
NO: 03105 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 1999
[Capacity]: 47000 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: RINA [Publication Time]: 2023/5/23
NO: 03099 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 1997
[Capacity]: 30000 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: NK [Publication Time]: 2023/5/15
NO: 03086 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1995
[Capacity]: 1450 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/4/3
NO: 03082 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1995
[Capacity]: 1450 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2023/3/27

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