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Home>>Products >>Barge/Working vessel
   There are many kinds of working vessels such as crane boat,floacting dock , concrete mixer boat, pile driving boat, mud pumping boat.They are all working in the harbour.
NO: 03319 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2021
[Capacity]: 14100 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: ZC COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/6/22
NO: 03288 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 2002
[Capacity]: 3850 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2024/4/21
NO: 03287 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1994
[Capacity]: 1300 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2024/4/21
NO: 03267 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2010
[Capacity]: 7120 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/3/17
NO: 03263 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: MONGLIA [Built]: 2003
[Capacity]: 500 TON [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: NIL [Publication Time]: 2024/3/11
NO: 03259 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2011
[Capacity]: 10600 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/3/5
NO: 03257 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2021
[Capacity]: 3000 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: ZC COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/3/4
NO: 03244 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: NIL [Built]: 2023
[Capacity]: 3000 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/1/29
NO: 03189 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2011
[Capacity]: 11000 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS [Publication Time]: 2023/10/16
NO: 03188 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2008
[Capacity]: 120 M [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS [Publication Time]: 2023/10/16

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