General Cargo ship
General Cargo ship
Bulk Carrier
Bulk Carrier
Barge/Working vessel
Barge/Working vessel
RORO/Passenger Boat
RORO/Passenger Boat
other boat
other boat
Marine Engine & Parts
Marine Engine & Parts
Type Capacity   ~
NO. Keyword
   We are introducing used ships, boats and other products according to thr Product Categories as shown below; Used General Cargo Boat, Used Leisure Boats, Used Bulk Carriers, Used Dredgers, Used Harbor Working Boat, Used Paasenger Boat, Used Tanker, Used Tugboat, Used Equipments. We hope you could find what you are looking for through our Home Page and linked search engine. Enjoy!
NO: 03319 Type: Barge/Working vessel More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2021
[Capacity]: 14100 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: ZC COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/6/22
NO: 03318 Type: Tugboat More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2006
[Capacity]: 7000 BHP [Build Place]: INDONESIA
[Class]: CCS [Publication Time]: 2024/6/22
NO: 03317 Type: Tanker More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 1996
[Capacity]: 1380 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2024/6/22
NO: 03316 Type: Tanker More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 2015
[Capacity]: 4400 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS [Publication Time]: 2024/6/15
NO: 03315 Type: Tanker More Information
[Registry]: NIL [Built]: 2024
[Capacity]: 2980 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: BV [Publication Time]: 2024/6/15
NO: 03314 Type: General Cargo ship More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 2005
[Capacity]: 10200 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: NK [Publication Time]: 2024/6/15
NO: 03313 Type: Bulk Carrier More Information
[Registry]: PANAMA [Built]: 2012
[Capacity]: 6650 DWT [Build Place]: CHINA
[Class]: CCS [Publication Time]: 2024/6/9
NO: 03312 Type: General Cargo ship More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 2000
[Capacity]: 1560 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2024/6/9
NO: 03311 Type: Dredger More Information
[Registry]: CHINA [Built]: 1998
[Capacity]: 11 CBM [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: ZC COASTAL [Publication Time]: 2024/6/9
NO: 03310 Type: General Cargo ship More Information
[Registry]: JAPAN [Built]: 2010
[Capacity]: 1800 DWT [Build Place]: JAPAN
[Class]: JG coastal [Publication Time]: 2024/6/3

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